A Cup of Joe, With John

We are going to start a little series called “A Cup of Joe, with John”! John is one of our techs with a lot of knowledge and a drive for finding answers. Each week we will post a Q&A with a customer in hopes to help others find unsolved questions.

Q: Is it better to use a nano-bubble generator to get ozone into the water instead of a venturi?

John’s Answer:

The answer to this question depends on your goal. Some of the primary goals of ozone customers is to kill bacteria in water, break down contaminants, and oxidize iron or other materials through a chemical reaction with the ozone. To achieve this goal, the ozone needs to be dissolved in the water. When ozone is dissolved in water, the ozone is no longer a gas, but at a molecular level it is dispersed evenly throughout the water molecules. The water itself has become an altered compound and reactions often happen very quickly. When dissolve, the level of ozone dissolved in the water can be measured in ppm and it’s disinfection power and oxidation power can be quantified.

When ozone or another gas is in the form of a nano-bubble, the bubble is so small that in many ways it acts like an individual ozone or oxygen molecule, but it is not dissolved in the water, and it’s ability to react with elements or organisms in the water is changed. The gas is locked up in a tiny bubble like a time release capsule. Time is of essence with ozone because it quickly reverts back to oxygen, so if it is locked up too long, it is no longer an ozone bubble, but an oxygen bubble. These tiny oxygen bubbles may be useful for many different applications, but they are not helpful for getting ozone quickly dissolved in water for disinfection or chemical reactions.

The high pressure needed to effectively make nano-bubbles is not a simple matter for ozone. Making ozone is less efficient at high pressures. Ozone leaks become a greater concern at high pressure. The equipment for pressurizing ozone is expensive and the corrosive nature of ozone makes it difficult to maintain. For most of the common applications for ozone, it is not worth the extra work, energy, and new challenges to put the ozone into nano bubbles. There may be applications that make it worth the effort, but it is important to understand your goals for ozone and what is the best method to get there.

We are happy to discuss your goals and share our understanding of ozone to help you reach your goals in the most effective and efficient way possible. Feel free to call us with your ideas. If we don’t know the answer, we will work hard to find an answer.

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