Clean in Place (CIP)

Milking system sanitation usually occurs after every milking shift.  Hot water, and chemicals can be used to sanitize milking lines and equipment.

Ozone can take the place of hot water and some chemicals to save costs, and help achieve an organic rating for your milk.  Ozone can also save time by reducing CIP steps, therefore lowering the down-time of your milking parlor.


How It Works:

Ozone is dissolved into water at levels up to 10 ppm in a CIP tank.  This water will flow through the milking system piping and lines just as the normal CIP solution would.  As the water is flowing through the CIP system additional ozone is is added to the CIP water at peak capacity to maintain an ozone level of 0.5 ppm or higher.


Benefit of Ozone:

     -Hot water usage is reduced or eliminated, saving energy and saving costs

     -Chemical usage is reduced or eliminated, saving costs, and achieving a more organic processing system
