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Ozone Applications

Ozone Information

Cooling Tower

Ozone is used as a biocide in cooling tower applications. Ozone can lower costs and offers a green alternative to traditional chemicals.   


Benefits to Ozone Use in Cooling Towers are:

     -Lower chemical costsozone for cooling tower

     -Lower overall operational costs

     -Lowers discharge chemicals

     -Prevents condenser fouling

     -Green, environmentally friendly chemical alternative

     -Lower energy costs


Ozone is used in place of existing chemicals as a biocide. Lower chemical consumption and therefore lower chemical discharge is the result when ozone is implemented. Cost savings can be realized by reducing chemical consumption and lower costs for discharge water treatment or costs.


Ozone is used in place of existing chemicals as a biocide. Lower chemical consumption and therefore lower chemical discharge is the result when ozone is implemented. Cost savings can be realized by reducing chemical consumption and lower costs for discharge water treatment or costs.


Ozone is used in place of existing chemicals as a biocide. Lower chemical consumption and therefore lower chemical discharge is the result when ozone is implemented. Cost savings can be realized by reducing chemical consumption and lower costs for discharge water treatment or costs.


Depending upon cooling tower operation and conditions water consumption can be reduced, energy costs can be lowered and the overall efficiency of the cooling tower can be improved.


 Diagram showing ozone intallation into cooling tower application


Contact Oxidation Technolgoies


Papers on the Use of Ozone in Cooling Towers:

Ozone Cooling Tower Treatment With and Without Mineral Removal

Cooling Tower Water Conditioning Study

Ozone Treatment of Cooling Water: results of a full-scale performance evaluation

Practical guidelines for safe operation of cooling tower water ozonation systems

A new practical index for predicting safe maximum operating cycles of concentration in ozonated cooling towers

Application of ozone in cooling water systems

One year full-scale study of ozone cooling treatment at electric power station

Cooling water treatment in a thermal power station

Ozone treatment for cooling towers - review water and energy savings


View the Questionnaire for Cooling Towers so we can help design your Ozone System


Below are products commonly used for cooling tower applications with ozone.

