Case Study: Newport News Uses Emerson Ozone Instrumentation for Safe, Effective Disinfection

Ensuring the quality and safety of drinking water is the top priority for municipal water treatment plants. Traditionally, chlorine has been the go-to disinfectant since 1908. However, some water plants are now turning to ozone for primary disinfection. One such plant is Newport News Waterworks in southeast Virginia.

The Shift to Ozone

Newport News Waterworks constructed a pilot plant eight years ago that uses ozone in the primary disinfection process. They chose Rosemount Analytical ozone measurement systems from Emerson Process Management for continuous measurement of ozone in the contact basin. The success of this pilot plant led to a significant change at the Harwoods Mill plant, which switched from chlorine to ozone for primary disinfection in March 2002.

Pilot Plant Success

“Our pilot plant processes 50,000 gallons of water per day, while the main plant processes an average of 24 million gallons per day,” said Randy Hawkins, pilot plant engineer at Newport News Waterworks. “The success of the pilot plant testing prompted us to convert our Lee Hall plant to ozone, which will be completed in about six months. Upon completion, the total system will serve over 400,000 people. With so many relying on us, it is crucial that we provide the best quality water possible. Switching to ozone for primary disinfection was a critical step, and using ozone analysis instrumentation from Emerson enables us to continuously monitor the ozone process.”

Benefits of Ozone

Ozone is a powerful disinfectant that is effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasitic protozoa. These pathogens can contaminate both surface water and some ground water sources. The combination of chemical disinfection and filtration renders these pathogens inactive, ensuring the safety of the water supply.


The transition from chlorine to ozone for primary disinfection at Newport News Waterworks has proven to be a successful and critical step in maintaining high water quality. The use of Emerson’s ozone measurement systems allows for continuous and reliable monitoring, providing safe and effective disinfection for the community.

For more information, you can read the full article here.

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