Improve your livestock drinking water supply

As livestock producers in the USA grow in size, so do the water demands.  It is not always possible, and certainly not cost effective to bring municipal or rural water supplies to the farm, therefore drilling wells to supply water for on-site livestock is the best, and many times only option.  However, if your water supply is less than ideal, this causes potential issues.

We can help.  Ozone is used by many municipalities around the USA to treat drinking water.  As the technology improves we can now bring this same quality of water to your livestock operation cost effectively.  

Drinking Water Disinfection

Ozone and H2O2 can be used to disinfect drinking water on your farm.  Both well water and rural water can benefit from water disinfection.  By reducing bacteria in water cows will be healthier and water will taste better.  Drinkers will grow less bacteria, algae, and require less cleaning.  Livestock will drink more water when treated with ozone or H2O2.

How it works

Well Water

Well water commonly requires treatment to remove minerals or pathogens, even perfect well water may have no bacteria in it when pumped from the ground.  However, without any added disinfection this water can grow bacteria in it as soon as it is flowing through your pipeline and in your tanks.  This bacteria can spread illness, and make for generally unhealthy water in the drinkers.  Bacteria can easily be oxidized by ozone or H2O2, just as it is normally oxidized by chlorine in municipal water supplies.  However, using ozone or H2O2, dissolved oxygen levels in the water will increase and create healthier water without the added chloride contamination.

Common well water uses for ozone

Benefit of Ozone

Ozone can improve water quality to your livestock.  Animals will drink more water if it tastes better and looks better, cows that drink more water will eat more food, therefore, gain weight faster,  and are healthier animals overall.

Reducing bacteria in water will improve herd health and reduce maintenance on drinkers throughout your farm.

Using ozone as opposed to chlorine or H2O2 will save costs as there is no chemicals to purchase.  Ozone equipment is a one-time purchase with only minimal maintenance costs.


Ozone is dissolved into water using an ozone injection system.  The size of ozone system will be based upon your total water flow rate used.  Total water flow may be based on other applications for ozone on your farm or ranch.  See diagram of ozone injection system below for information on how ozone is dissolved into water.

ozone water for livestock production
Typical ozone injection system

3 thoughts on “Improve your livestock drinking water supply”

  1. Thank you for talking about how clean water for her improves their health. My husband and I are starting a new business this summer. We will find a reputable farm disinfectant service in our area as well.

  2. I have a poultry in my farm in our province. This will surely be of great help especially in maintaining a good and healthy supply of water for a better business.

  3. Elaina D'Agostino

    It was helpful to learn how well water can start growing bacteria if there is no disinfection system in place to filter the water. I’ll ask my dad to have this included in his plan after getting a water well drilled into the farm. After all, the farm animals need clean water to thrive and stay healthy.

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