Ozone in the World Around You: How do Soda Companies use Ozone?

Maybe you’ve heard of how ozone plays major roles in our food and drink industry but never really knew what the role was. Below is a blog post on how and why ozone is used in the soda canning world!

One industry that makes use of ozone is the soda canning industry. Ozone is used in the canning of soda to disinfect and purify the water that is used in the manufacturing process.

The canning of soda involves a process called carbonation. During carbonation, carbon dioxide is dissolved into water to create soda. The water that is used in this process must be clean and free of any impurities that could affect the taste or quality of the soda. This is where ozone comes in.

Ozone is a powerful oxidant that is effective at eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms that can contaminate water. In the canning industry, ozone is used to disinfect the water that is used to make soda. The ozone gas is bubbled through the water, and it reacts with any contaminants in the water, oxidizing them and rendering them harmless.

One of the main benefits of using ozone in canning soda is that it is a safe and environmentally friendly disinfectant. Ozone breaks down into oxygen, so it does not leave any harmful byproducts or residues behind. It is also much more effective than other disinfectants like chlorine, which can be harmful to the environment and leave behind harmful byproducts.

Another benefit of using ozone in canning soda is that it is a cost-effective solution. Ozone generators are relatively inexpensive to operate and maintain, and they can provide a continuous supply of ozone gas as needed. This means that soda manufacturers can disinfect their water supply on a regular basis without incurring significant costs.

In addition to its use in canning soda, ozone has many other applications in the food and beverage industry. It can be used to disinfect equipment, surfaces, and packaging materials, and it can help to extend the shelf life of food products by reducing the growth of microorganisms.

In conclusion, ozone is an important tool in the canning of soda. It is a safe, effective, and cost-effective disinfectant that can help to ensure the quality and safety of the soda that we consume. As the demand for clean and safe food and beverage products continues to grow, it is likely that ozone will play an increasingly important role in the food and beverage industry in the years to come.

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