Prevent CO Poisoning on Boats

Recent news articles have brought our attention to the potential hazards of CO Poisoning on boats.  While this is something we know could happen we did not realize how prevalent and dangerous this could be until a customer called this week, concerned about the safety of the skiers on his boat.

New Articles linked below:


A simple CO Monitor could have saved many, if not all of these lives and prevented injury.

Pocket CO Monitor for personnal safety
Pocket CO Monitor Model 300 – $135
GasAlert Extreme CO (GAXT-M-DL)
GasAlert Extreme CO Monitor – $275










There Are CO Monitors installed in the cabin of many larger boats.  However, smaller vessels have none, and the outdoor ski area of boats is unprotected.  This is where Sarah Pool, of Texas was when she was overcome with Carbon Monoxide.  As she was watching other skiers and enjoying the summer on the ski platform of a smaller vessel, she was slowly and silently overcome with Carbon Monoxide.  As she had no life-jacket on when she did pass out and fall in the water, she was unable to yell for help, or help herself.

Image Credit: Screen Shot/ KXAN

A simple and low cost, handheld CO monitor may have saved her live.  Using these portable, yet rugged CO monitors could alert of danger and be the difference between a catastrophic weekend and a great weekend out on the water.

Should you have any questions on CO monitors and safety, please call our gas sensor experts at Gas Sensing today.

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