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Ozone Applications

1,4-Dioxane removal with ozone A New Formulation Based on Ozonated Sunflower Seed Oil: In Vitro Antibacterial and Safety Evaluation AOP Agri-Food Processing Air Treatment Antibacterial Activity of Ozonized Sunflower Oil, Oleozón, Against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Antifungal Activity of Olive Oil and Ozonated Olive Oil Against Candida Spp. and Saprochaete Spp. Aquaculture BTEX Remediation under Challenging Site Conditions Using In-Situ Ozone Injection and Soil Vapor Extraction Technologies: A Case Study BTEX removal with ozone Beef (Red Meat) Processing with Ozone Benzene Body Odors Bottled Water Cannabis Catalytic Ozonation of Gasoline Compounds in Model and Natural Water in the Presence of Perfluorinated Alumina Bonded Phases Clean in Place (CIP) Combined Ozone and Ultrasound for the Removal of 1,4-Dioxane from Drinking Water Concrete Cooling Tower Cost Effectiveness of Ozonation and AOPs for Aromatic Compound Removal from Water: A Preliminary Study Create your own Ozonated Oils Cyanobacteria and Toxin Removal with Ozone Dairy Farms Degradation of tert-Butyl Alcohol in Dilute Aqueous Solution by an O3/UV Process Drinking Water Drinking Water Disinfection E.coli O157:H7 Reduction with Ozone Effectiveness of Ozone for Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Bacillus Cereus in Pistachios Efficiency of Ozonation and AOP for Methyl-tert-Butylether (MTBE) Removal in Waterworks Ethylbenzene Evaluation of Ozone AOP for Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane Exploring the Potential of Ozonated Oils in Dental Care Exploring the Potential of Ozonated Oils in Hair Care Fire Restoration Food Odors Force Main Treatment Germicidal Properties of Ozonated Sunflower Oil Grain Treatment Groundwater Remediation Hoof Bath Hydroponic Greenhouses In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Ozonated Sunflower Oil against Antibiotic-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis Isolated from Endodontic Infection Influence of Storage Temperature on the Composition and the Antibacterial Activity of Ozonized Sunflower Oil Insect Control in Grains Kinetic Analysis of Ozonation Degree Effect on the Physicochemical Properties of Ozonated Vegetable Oils Lake Remediation Laundry Laundry Listeria Inactivation with Ozone MTBE removal with ozone Machine Coolant Tanks Measurement of Peroxidic Species in Ozonized Sunflower Oil Mitigation strategies for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and Antimicrobial Resistance Throughout the Beef Production Chain Mold Removal in Grain Mold/Mildew Odors Municipal Water Treatment Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Nanobubbles Odor Removal Oxidation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) and Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) by Ozone and Combined Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidize Tannins from Water with Ozone Oxy-Oils Ozonated Oils Ozonated Ice & Fish Storage Ozonated Mineral Oil: Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation of the Microbicidal Activity Ozonated Oils: Nature's Remedy for Soothing Bug Bites Ozonated Olive Oil Ozonated Olive Oil Enhances the Growth of Granulation Tissue in a Mouse Model of Pressure Ulcer Ozonated Olive Oil with a High Peroxide Value for Topical Applications: In-Vitro Cytotoxicity Analysis with L929 Cells Ozonation Degree of Vegetable Oils as the Factor of Their Anti-Inflammatory and Wound-Healing Effectiveness Ozonation of Soluble Organics in Aqueous Solutions Using Microbubbles Ozone Gas and Ozonized Sunflower Oil as Alternative Therapies against Pythium Insidiosum Isolated from Dogs Ozone Inactivation of E.Coli at Various O3 Concentrations and Times Ozone Regulations in Food Processing Ozone Regulations in Organic Food Production Ozone in Air Applications Ozone in Sanitation Ozone in Seafood Processing Ozone use for Post-Harvest Processing of Berries Ozone use for Surface Sanitation on Dairy Farms Pet Odors Physico-chemical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Ozonated Pomegranate Seeds Oil Pool & Spa Proinflammatory Event of Ozonized Olive Oil in Mice RES Case Studies Resolution Concerning the Use of Ozone in Food Processing Spectroscopic Characterization of Ozonated Sunflower Oil Stability Studies of Ozonized Sunflower Oil and Enriched Cosmetics with a Dedicated Peroxide Value Determination Study of Ozonated Olive Oil: Monitoring of the Ozone Absorption and Analysis of the Obtained Functional Groups Study of Ozonated Sunflower Oil Using 1H NMR and Microbiological Analysis Surface Sanitation TBA Removal with ozone Teat Wash Tobacco Odors Toluene Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with 1,4-Dioxane, Tetrahydrofuran, and Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds Using Advanced Oxidation Processes Treatment of groundwater contaminated with gasoline components by an ozone/UV process Ultra-Pure Water Utilization of Ozone for the Decontamination of Small Fruits Various Antimicrobial Agent of Ozonized Olive Oil Vertical Farming with Ozone Waste Water Treatment Water Re-use Water Treatment Water Treatment Well Water Treatment Xylene

Ozone Effect on Pathogens

Ozone for Disinfection and Inactivation of Pathogens:

As a biocide, ozone works similarly to chlorine (another oxidant) and is used in a similar manner.  Ozone disinfects by directly oxidizing and destroying the microorganism’s cell wall, causing cellular components to leak outside the cell. This causes protoplasmic destruction of the cell, damaging constituents of the nucleic acids, and breaks the carbon–nitrogen bonds, which leads to depolymerization. During the process, ozone splits into oxygen and an ozone atom, which is lost during the reaction with the microorganism’s cell fluids, O3 -> O2 + (O).

This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of every pathogen ozone can destroy, but a helpful guide to understand the power of ozone.  Due to the nature of the direct oxidation power of ozone there is no mechanism for pathogens to create an immunity to ozone as with other chemical disinfectants and biocides.

See how ozone kills bacteria through the process of Lysis here.

Find info on ozone reaction with chemical compounds here.


Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, where it damages viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the virus’ exterior protein shell so that DNA or RNA structures are affected.

VIRUSES SUSCEPTIBLE TO OZONE:Virus destroyed by ozone

  • Adenovirus (type 7a)

  • Coxsackie’s viruses A9, B3 & B5

  • Cryptosporidium

  • Echovirus 1, 5, 12 & 29

  • Encephalomyocarditis

  • Hepatitis A

  • GD V11 Virus

  • Infectious hepatitis

  • Influenza

  • Norovirus

  • Rotavirus

  • Tobacco mosaic

  • Vesicular Stomatitis

  • Legionella pneumophila

  • Poliomyelitis virus 1, 2 & 3



Ozone interferes with bacterial cell metabolism, probably by inhibiting the enzymatic control system. A  sufficient amount of ozone breaks through the cell membrane, destroying the bacteria.

BACTERIA SUSCEPTIBLE TO OZONE:Pathogenic bacteria inactivated with ozone

  • Aeromonas harveyi NC-2,

  • Aeromonas salmonicida NC-1102

  • Bacillus anthracis,

  • Bacillus cereus,

  • Bacillus coagulans,

  • Bacillus globigii,

  • Bacillus licheniformis,

  • Bacillus megatherium sp.,

  • Bacillus paratyphosus,

  • Bacillus prodigiosus,

  • Bacillus subtilis,

  • Bacillus

  • Stearothermophilus

  • Clostridium botulinum,

  • Clostridium sporogenes,

  • Clostridium tetoni

  • Cryptosporidium

  • Coliphage

  • Corynebacterium

  • Diphthriae

  • Eberthella typhosa

  • Endamoeba histolica

  • Escherichia coli

  • Flavorbacterium SP A-3

  • Leptospira canicola

  • Listeria

  • Micrococcus candidus,

  • Micrococcus caseolyticus KM-15,

  • Micrococcus spharaeroides

  • Mycobacterium leprae,

  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  • Neisseria catarrhalis

  • Phytomonas tumefaciens

  • Proteus vulgaris

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

  • Pseudomonas fluorscens,

  • Pseudomonas putida

  • Salmonella choleraesuis,

  • Salmonella enteritidis,

  • Salmonella typhimurium,

  • Salmonella typhosa,

  • Salmonella paratyphi

  • Sarcina lutea

  • Seratia marcescens

  • Shigella dysenteriae,

  • Shigella flexnaria,

  • Shigella paradysenteriae

  • Spirllum rubrum

  • Staphylococcus albus,

  • Staphylococcus aureus

  • Streptococcus C,

  • Streptococcus faecalis,

  • Streptococcus hemolyticus,

  • Streptococcus lactis,

  • Streptococcus salivarius,

  • Streptococcus viridans

  • Torula rubra

  • Vibrio alginolyticus & angwillarum,

  • Vibrio clolarae,

  • Vibrio comma

  • Virrio ichthyodermis NC-407,

  • Virrio parahaemolyticus

Fungus and Mold:

It is believed that ozone destroys fungi and mold by diffusing through the fungalwall and into the cytoplasm, disrupting the organelles that direct cell function.

FUNGUS AND MOLD SPORES SUSCEPTIBLE TO OZONE:Mold and fungus destroyed by ozone

  • Aspergillus candidus,

  • Aspergillus flavus,

  • Aspergillus glaucus,

  • Aspergillus niger,

  • Aspergillusterreus,

  • Saitoi and oryzac

  • Botrytis allii

  • Colletotrichum lagenariu

  • Fusarium oxysporum

  • Grotrichum

  • Mucor recomosus A & B, Mucor piriformis

  • Oospora lactis

  • Penicillium cyclopium, P. chrysogenum and citrinum,

  • Penicillium digitatum,

  • Penicilliumglaucum,

  • Penicillium expansum,

  • Penicillium egyptiacum,

  • Penicillium roqueforti

  • Rhizopus nigricans,

  • Rhizopus stolonifer


Fungal Pathogens:

As described above, the mechanism by which ozone kills various fungi is through the destruction of organelles in the cell’s cytoplasm.


  • Alternaria solani

  • Botrytis cinerea

  • Fusarium oxysporum

  • Monilinia fruiticola,

  • Monilinia laxa

  • Pythium ultimum

  • Phytophthora erythroseptica,

  • Phytophthora

  • parasitica

  • Rhizoctonia

  • Solani

  • Rhizopus

  • stolonifera

  • Sclerotium rolfsii

  • Sclerotinia

  • sclerotiorum



The exact mechanism by which ozone kills protozoa has yet to be determined. The following table lists protozoan species susceptible to ozone.

PROTOZOA SUSCEPTIBLE TO OZONE:Protozoa inactivated by ozone

  • Paramecium

  • Nematode eggs

  • All pathogenic and nonpathogenic forms of Protozoa

  • Chlorella vulgaris (algae)



Parasitic cysts are of special concern in drinking water derived from surface water sources because they are unaffected by chlorine. Ozone at proper doses will destroy
cysts listed in the table below.

CYSTS SUSCEPTIBLE TO OZONE:Cysts destroyed by ozone

  • Cryptosporidium parvum

  • Giardia lamblia, Giardia muris




Algae in drinking water supplies release organic chemicals during normal metabolic processes and after they die. These chemicals typically do not cause human illness, but do create problems of taste and odor and the potential for increased formation of trihalomethanes


  • Chlorella vulgaris

  • Thamnidium

  • Trichoderma viride

  • Verticillium albo-atrum,

  • Verticillium dahlia



Similarly to related molds and fungi, various types of yeasts may be destroyed with ozone through the same mechanism.


  • Baker’s yeast

  • Candida albicans

  • Common yeast cake

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae,

  • Saccharomyces ellipsoideus,

  • Saccharomyces sp.