Why is Ozonated Olive Oil known as “The Everything Oil”?

Ozonated olive oil has earned its reputation as “The Everything Oil” for a myriad of reasons, making it the go-to choice for many seeking versatile skincare and wellness solutions. Let’s delve into what sets ozonated olive oil apart and why it continues to be the gold standard for users worldwide.

The Right Strength for the Most Users

Olive oil sits at the sweet spot of the Potential Ozonide Index (POI), a crucial factor when determining the efficacy of ozonated oils. The POI considers the amount of Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids in the oil, influencing the ozone infusion. With a POI of 92, olive oil strikes a perfect balance, making it suitable for a wide range of skin types. For those unfamiliar with the concept, POI is further explained in our ozone strength video.

A Wide Variety of Uses

The roots of ozonated olive oil trace back to the visionary Nikola Tesla in the early 1900s. Initially sold as Glycozone, it found its way into medical texts, such as Charles Marchland’s “The Medical Uses of Hydrozone and Glycozone.”

Over the years, extensive research has showcased the manifold benefits of ozone oils. Olive oil, in particular, has demonstrated effectiveness against skin lesions, showcasing its ability to combat viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. Furthermore, it exhibits potential in stimulating tissue growth and revitalizing epithelial tissue. Users have reported positive outcomes, including reduced inflammation, increased collagen production, smoother skin, and heightened oxygen tension in wounds.

The versatility of ozonated olive oil is evident in its application for sunburns, ringworm, wrinkles, skin infections, insect bites, hemorrhoids, carbuncles, dermatitis, tinea versicolor, cuts, sore muscles, and more. Its increasing popularity in oral care routines further highlights its adaptability.


In conclusion, ozonated olive oil has rightfully earned its title as “The Everything Oil” due to its balanced strength and diverse range of applications. Whether you’re addressing specific skin concerns or incorporating it into your daily routine, ozonated olive oil stands out as a reliable and versatile choice for a vast array of users. If you seek a multipurpose solution suitable for all but the most sensitive skin types, look no further – ozonated olive oil might just be everything you’ve been searching for.

Oxidation Tech’s Oxy-Oil can be found here: https://www.oxidationtech.com/products/ozonated-oils-oxy-oil.html

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