Ozone for fruit disinfection and storage for shelf life extension

Ozone system used for fruit and vegetable disinfection.  MET Ozone is trialing ozone in Germany to prove the effectiveness of ozone for applications in food processing and storage.

MET Ozone Experts widens its range of ozone gas and water-dissolved ozone generators and invests in agronomic research in cooperation with Agrisana Srl.

2014 was a positive year for MET, with many of its plants operating mostly in Italy, but also in Germany and the Middle East.

The hot an humid weather with temperatures above the seasonal average favoured the development of fungi and rot, which could be counteracted by stocking the produce in units with a low concentration of ozone.Using ozone has now been made easier and safer thanks to new sensors and alarms. There is no need for tanks because it is always generated according to demand and there are no residues.

The products that benefit the most from ozone gas are citrus fruit, stonefruit, small fruit, kiwis, melons, strawberries, tomatoes, chestnuts, potatoes… Ozone prevents mould from forming and slows down ripening. It also reduces bacterial loads and improves the appearance of fruit.

In Italy, the Ministry of Health recognised ozone as a “Natural sterilisation product” with protocol no. 24482 of July 1996 and, since June 26, 2001, the F.D.A. approved the use of ozone compatibly with human activities.

In cooperation with Agrisana Srl, the MET started a research project to study possible practical applications in the agricultural sector. Mr. Stefano Poppi explains that they came up with a revolutionary technology to sanitise the areas (greenhouses) where vegetables are cultivated. Experiments proved successful on basil, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers, lettuce, aubergines, peppers and beans.

Additional tests are being carried out to verify its action against insects (mites, thrips, aphids, whitefly, etc.).

Ozone phytotherapy applied to control powdery mildew (Podosphera xantii).
Basil, ozone phytotherapy to control downy mildew (Peronospora belbahrii).

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