Ozone Conversions
Click here for definitions on common ozone units of measure
Online Ozone Calculators Found HERE
Ozone Generator Output:
((LPM x 60) x 0.001) x g/m3 = g/hr
*Example = ((10 LPM x 60) x 0.001) x 10 g/m3 = 6 g/hr ozone production
Ozone Concentration in Air by Volume:
1 mg/l = 1 g/m3 = 1 ug/ml = 467 ppm O3
1 ppm = 2.14 mg/m3 O3
100 pphm (parts per hundred million = 1 ppm (parts per million)
Ozone Concentration in Air by Weight:
100 g/m3 = 7.8% O3
1% = 12.8 g/m3 O3
1% = 7,284 ppm O3
Ozone Concentration in Oxygen by Volume:
100 g/m3 = 6.99% O3
1% = 14.3 g/m3 O3
1% = 6,520 ppm O3
Ozone Concentration in Water:
1 mg/l = 1 ppm = 1 g/m3 O3 (by weight)
Physical Properties of Ozone:
Density of ozone = 2.14 kg/m3
Molecular weight of ozone = 48
Density of oxygen = 1.43 kg/m3
Molecular weight of oxygen = 32
Density of air = 1.29 kg/m3
Density of water = 1,000 kg/m3
Helpful Links:
-Ozone Dosage Rate Calculator HERE
-Calculate ozone generator output from g/m3 ozone concentration
-Calculate ozone generator output from % by weight ozone concentration
-Calculator to convert common ozone concentration units
-Ozone output units conversion calculator
-Calculator to convert common flow measurements
-Calculate flow in a pressurized flow-meter
-Other common units of measure HERE
-Other common ozone calculations HERE
Questions on your ozone application? Call us, we enjoy discussing ozone applications and hope to help you find success in every ozone installation.