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Ozonation Degree of Vegetable Oils as the Factor of Their Anti-Inflammatory and Wound-Healing Effectiveness

Publication Cover

Ozone: Science & Engineering

The Journal of the International Ozone Association

Volume 39, 2017 - Issue 5:

Authors:  P. Guerra-Blanco, T. Poznyak, A. Pérez, Y. M. Gómez y Gómez, M. E. Bautista-Ramírez& I. Chairez

Pages 374-384 | Received 31 Jan 2017, Accepted 13 May 2017, Accepted author version posted online: 30 May 2017, Published online: 18 Jul 2017


The aim of this article is to study the in vivo effect of the ozonation degree of vegetal oils on two related clinical tests, such as inflammation and wound-healing in healthy and diabetic mice, respectively. Ozonated grape seed (GS) and sunflower (SF) oils were used for this purpose. The ozonation degree (from 0 to 44%) of oils was determined by the total unsaturation method (TU). This technique served to quantify the oxidizable substrate of oils and tissue’s lipids. For inflammation studies, an ear edema was induced by croton oil. The latter was treated with GS and SF oils with different ozonation degree, ozonated physiological solution and indomethacin, as reference. To evaluate the wound-healing effect, a circular section was surgically removed from the dorsal side of mice. The wound was treated with ozonated oils, Furacin® ointment (nitrofurazone 2%) and their combination. The TU of lipids (TUL) extracted from inflamed tissues was proposed to identify the biochemical changes in those tissues. The results showed in this study confirmed the effectiveness of ozonated oils for both, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. The better anti-inflammatory effect was correlated with the increasing of the TUL in treated tissues. Furthermore, the better inflammation inhibition (INI) was obtained with oils partially ozonated. The GS and SF oils ozonated up to 24% and 22% reached an INI of 25% and 29%, respectively. The complete wound-healing of diabetic mice treated with ozonated oils was obtained during the same time reported for wound-healing of non-diabetic mice. Infection signs were not observed during treatment. Overall, the application of ozonated GS and SF oils with a low ozonation degree showed promising results, compared with the application of commercial drugs.


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